POEM: been drinking water all day...
6/23/2008 03:58:00 PM druyou knocked all the lights out, and stood their wishing it was different... it isn't, will not be, and as we wallow in this world, we created, we, not you, not me, but we. i am not alone nor act in it alone, i created, i, not us, not you, but me. you are not alone nor act alone, you have an effect, on you, not me, but you. we act in a world we live in together, we created, not just you or i, an affect on what is. you act as though it is all that is and matters, not just me, not just you, and never us. and all i seek is the light was left on, out in the front, the blue one... the one you never see. - klaus andrews
I encourage feedback, as we all can benefit of listening to the spirit within us all.