POEM: with all... that surrouds...
9/11/2008 12:32:00 AM drui must say, i have seen things written on walls before, know what steps are made by the machines in every cog, seeing the random moments form into inevitable moments, that cascade... before us, stands a monster blocking the path of least resistance. i must live, sometimes within this form to make the thoughts pass, hearing exactly the things i bring to pass, always with the best intent, wondering what shall run, and crash, into the random forms, life needs to be - seemingly after, it seems to chase as running around the paths, goes on... i must breath, breath in the poisons we all must endure, yet... questioning the path that things seem to be, and flowing around me, tasting the air, as i breath in the poisons in the spirits among me, directly within me, as they wonder if i hear them... or if i will let them live. i am and will be here to create the great works of life... yet, smelling the fear that kills minds of thought, thoughts... answering the questions still left to ask, and still willing to see, all directly around me, as the everpresent wondering this world is the search for one, one-ness... with all... that surrounds us. - klaus andrews
I encourage feedback, as we all can benefit of listening to the spirit within us all.